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イラストレーション展 "内と外"


[INSIDE/OUTSIDE Exhibition] is now open in Bologna! Students of 5 Universities of Arts drew illustrations with a single theme [INSIDE/OUTSIDE], You will see the various interesting artworks there, Please join us for the exhibition at the Alliance Française di Bologna Istituto di Cultura Germanica.

「内と外」という共通のテーマで、5つの芸術大学の学生たちが制作したイラストレーションを展示しています。 同じテーマでも、まったく違った個性の作品の数々、イタリアに立ち寄る予定のある方はぜひお越し下さい : )


[INSIDE/OUTSIDE Exhibition in Bologna]

[Opening] Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 / 19.00–21.30 Via De’ Marchi 4, 40123 Bologna

[Opening hours] Mon-Wed:10.00-13.00/15.00-19.00 Thu:10.00-13.00/15.00-20.00 Fri:10.00-13.00/15.00-18.00 Until 12th May

On the occasion of Bologna Children’s Book Fair

[Participating University of Arts] Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna (Bologna) Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (Hamburg) École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (Paris) La Massana Arts & Design school (Barcelona) Kyoto City University of Arts (Kyoto)


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