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[Picture Book Project for All]





ことばの持つパワー、ことば+視覚表現でできることについて、改めて気づいた旅となりました : )

'Port Language Revitalization' project team made a presentation in ICLDC5 at University of Hawaii!

Our project leader Masahiro Yamada(linguist) made a presentation about the method of our multilingual picturebook making project that involves collaboration among language community members, linguists, illustrators and designers.

Yukie Matsumura talked her activity and research of endangered language as a language community member.

For my part, I made a speech about why linguists, community members and deigners/illustrators collaborate together.

Luckily, our presentation went well and a lot of audience are interested in the project. It was a great opportunity to realize that the power of language and the possibility of language+Visual communication to me, MAHALO for all : )

----- Picture Book Project for All

[Presenter] 山田真寛 Masahiro Yamada 松村雪枝 Yukie Matsumura 山本史 Fumi Yamamoto

[Project Members] 横山(徳永)晶子 Akiko Yokoyama-Tokunaga 下地賀代子 Kayoko Shimoji 中川奈津子 Natsuko Nakagawa 浅川友里江 Yurie Asakawa



プレゼン時の写真撮影は田窪行則先生。どうもありがとうございました! Photo by Prof. Yukinori Takubo

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